Customer Reviews

Review #109 - Cables Magnus Speaker MKII and XLR - Ricable Review

Review Mats Magnus Speaker XLR
Icon Ricable Review
My Ricable

Mats H.

Sources: Innuos Zen Mini MKIII player; Sony XA55ES CD player.

Amplifier: Accuphase E-406

Acoustic speakers: Reference 3A de Capo-i

Other: NuPrime Evolution DAC; SVS Sound SB-3000 subwoofer

The following review of the Magnus Speaker MKII and XLR cables is the result of the "Ricable Review" initiative. Ricable Review is the program designed by Ricable, created to collect feedback from audiophiles, in order to lead to continuous improvement of the products in the catalog. Last but not least, those who join the program receive a certificate at home, with the purpose of certifying how the customer has become to all intents and purposes part of the " Ricable" family.
The following Feedback was created on the basis of a predefined questionnaire to which the user returned his impressions, in a completely free. We thank Mats for his time.

What made you choose Ricable?

After a good review at and a desciption that suited me (good soundstage and transparency). My first order was the Magnus Speaker cable but I was hesitating since I have heard that speaker cables does not change the sound that much. Anyway I took a chance and I was suprised about the result. 3D soundstage and clarity raised a my music system to another presentation. Not a small change. After this I decided to replace my old XLR signal cable as well. More transparency and soundstage as well and somehow more intense and at the same time more relaxing way or musical. Very happy with this quit cheap way to upgrade my sound in this crazy expensive hobby.

Review Mats Magnus Speaker XLR
Magnus Speaker
What do you think of the construction
and aesthetics
of the product?

The packaging was nice and compact and the product gave me a solid quality impression. Cables are flexible so the installation was easy. Fast and quick delivery via FedEx. The material and details feels nice and seems to be solid built. The packaging was compact and easy to store for the future.

How did you do the tests? What songs did you use to test the cable?

I let the cabels run in first with some FM radio for a few hours, then I run the test tracks (see below) that I know well at different volume settings. Then I repeat this for a couple of days. At night at low listning volumes it is important that my system works and that is a good test fo a compete system.

Review Mats Magnus Speaker XLR
What were yours
listening impressions?

Key Largo with Boris Blank is one of my test tracks for dynamics and soundstage. The hight of the sound of the airplane was much higher in the beginning of the song. Dynamics was nice and very good intesity.
What God Wants, Part I with Roger Water. Another track for soundstage test, excellent soundstage almost surronds you.
Porto - Leo Nocta. Beautiful piano music. Piano is tough to get good, tone here is the best I heard.
Check (reprise) - Aimee Mann. I use this to test imaging and this image is very stable and clear.
Redemption Song - Jesuton. Female voice test track. Very good.
No Love Dying - Gregory Porter. Male voice test track. Very good.

Your conclusions.

Very satisfied with the sound, more bang for the bucks is hard to find I believe. I was most impressed with the speaker cable but the signal cable improved further. My previous cables have not been cheap cables but from known brands. Now I wonder what the more expensive cables can offer. Anyway I can recommend these cables 100% very big value for money.

What do you like?

- Soundstage
- Flexable cables and good quality

What would you improve?

- Nothing for the price

What made you choose Ricable?

After a good review on and a description that suited me (good soundstage and transparency). My first order was the speaker cable Magnus, but I hesitated because I heard that speaker cables do not change the sound much. However, I took the chance and was surprised by the result. The 3D soundstage and clarity took my music system to another presentation. Not a small change. Later I decided to replace my old INTERCONNECT XLR cable as well. More transparency and soundstage, somehow more intense and at the same time more relaxing or musical. I am very satisfied with this rather inexpensive way to improve my sound in this crazy expensive hobby.

Review Mats Magnus Speaker XLR
Magnus Speaker
What do you think about the construction
and aesthetics
of the product?

The packaging was nice and compact and the product gave me an impression of solid quality. The cables are flexible so installation was easy. Fast and prompt delivery via FedEx. The material and details are nice and appear to be solid. The packaging was compact and easy to store for future use.

How did you carry out the tests? What tracks did you use to test the cable?

I first let the cables run in with some FM radio for a few hours, then run the test tracks (see below) that I know well at different volume settings. Then I repeat it for a couple of days. At night, with low listening volumes, it is important that my system works, and this is a good test for a competitive system.

Review Mats Magnus Speaker XLR
What were your
listening impressions?

Key Largo with Boris Blank is one of my test tracks for dynamics and sound scene. The pitch of the airplane noise was much higher at the beginning of the song. The dynamics were nice and the intensity was very good.
What God Wants, Part I with Roger Water. Another soundstage test track, an excellent soundstage almost surrounds you.
Porto - Leo Nocta. Beautiful piano music. The piano is hard to get right, the tone here is the best I've heard.
Check (reprise) - Aimee Mann. I use this to test imaging and this image is very stable and clear.
Redemption Song - Jesuton. Test track for female vocals. Very good.
No Love Dying - Gregory Porter. Test track for male voice. Very good.

Your conclusions.

Very satisfied with the sound, I think it is hard to find a better value for money. I was very impressed with the speaker cable, but the signal cable improved even more. My previous cables were not cheap cables but from well-known brands. Now I wonder what the more expensive cables can offer. Anyway, I can 100% recommend these cables with very good value for money.

What did you enjoy?

- Stage
- Flexible and good quality cables

What would you improve?

- Nothing in this price range

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