Customer Reviews

Review #112 - Dedalus series cables and Custom Speaker H6S - Ricable Review

Review Dedalus H6S Raphael
Icon Ricable Review
My Ricable

Raphael B.

Sources: Audio Research Reference CD9 CD player; Acoustic Signature Tornado NEO turntable with Van Den Hul The Frog cartridge

Amplifier: Audio Research Reference 3LE preamplifier; Audio Research VS115 power amplifier

Acoustic Speakers: Opera Callas Diva

Other: Audio Research PH6 phono preamplifier; Sony DTC-ZA5ES DAT recorder

The following review of the Dedalus series and Custom Speaker H6S is the result of the "Ricable Review" initiative. Ricable Review is the program designed by Ricable, created to collect feedback from audiophiles, in order to lead to continuous improvement of the products in the catalog. Last but not least, those who join the program receive a certificate at home, with the purpose of certifying how the customer has become to all intents and purposes part of the " Ricable" family.
The following Feedback was created on the basis of a predefined questionnaire to which the user returned their impressions, in a completely free. We thank Raphael for his time.

What made you choose Ricable?

After getting to know you via the Internet and purchasing the first cables, I could no longer do without you and wired the entire system. Quality, seriousness, competence and professionalism of your company. I was looking for cables that were tough but did not reach the frightening figures of the products you see at trade shows and maybe of Italian production since there are several serious manufacturers in Italy.

Review Dedalus H6S Raphael
Review Dedalus H6S Raphael
What do you think about the construction
and aesthetics
of the product?

I would say perfect, speechless in every way, very good aesthetics, very good quality and in Custom products very good choice to finish the product according to your taste. The product is sturdy, great size, yet flexible, quite flexible, since I bought it by the meter and did everything myself, it strips very well and fits a lot of connectors, next step I will take yours.

How did you carry out the tests? What tracks did you use to test the cable?

I have been doing a comparison with the Van De Hul CS-122 Hybrid cable for several months. I have listened to almost all genres of music, from classical to jazz, rock (which I prefer) with every source I have at home and substituting Ricable for the Van Del Hul several times, except for the last one where I took the Van Den Hul out permanently.

Review Dedalus H6S Raphael
What were your
listening impressions?

I am very honest, I am writing this review after more than a year of having your cable in the house, I tried it again and again and again--it had not convinced me. My stereo system, as you can see from my previous photos, was in an unhappy position because of the space in the room, then by remodeling the room I was able to move the system to the best position, and while I was trying various artifices to improve the acoustics of the room, I said to myself, let's try it again.
I usually use the Van De Hul "cheap" CS-122 Hybrid and so I replaced it with your cable. Speechless. Now that I have adjusted the position of the speakers in the room, your cable has changed everything, it seems that the power amp has turbocharged, it is more powerful, controlled bass. The walls vibrate, breathless midrange, but especially the high range, more refined, more expanded in space, less sibilance, sweeter. The music has more body, the speakers are gone, and the sound comes out with much greater depth and naturalness than with the CS-122.
I was very impressed after the many tests and said to myself, I have to write this down. Not that the CS-122 is a poor cable, on the contrary, but the Ricable H6S greatly improves it in everything.

Your conclusions.

What can I say, first of all the position of the speakers is crucial, then your products do the rest excellently, so much so that I have the whole system wired Ricable. As I said before, the Ricable in my system did not sound its best (or I did not hear it) before the defined speaker shift. Then with the open soundstage, three-dimensional sound, the Ricable came out improving everything.

What did you enjoy?

- Price
- Aesthetics
- The price is great compared to performance and competition, however, to wire the system I took a mortgage and almost a divorce

What would you improve?

- Nothing

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