Customer Reviews

Review #38 - Balanced Cable Invictus XLR - Ricable Review

Invictus XLR Fulvio
Icon Ricable Review
My Ricable

Flavius V.

Sources: MacBook Pro with Audirvana 3.5 and Qobuz Studio

Amplifier: Octave V70 SE

Acoustic Speakers: Harbeth HL-Compact 7ES-3

Other: M2Tech Young DSD MKIII DAC with dedicated M2Tech Van der Graaf MKII power supply.

The following review of the Invictus XLR cable is the result of the "Ricable Review" initiative. Ricable Review is the program designed by Ricable, created to collect feedback from audiophiles, in order to lead to continuous improvement of the products in the catalog. Last but not least, those who join the program receive a certificate at home, with the purpose of certifying how the customer has become to all intents and purposes part of the " Ricable" family.
The following Feedback was created on the basis of a predefined questionnaire to which the user returned his impressions, in a completely free. We thank Flavio for his time.

What made you choose Ricable?

I read many reviews of Ricable products whose owners were singing the praises of their purchases. I therefore decided to try the INTERCONNECT balanced series cable Invictus. The fact that it is an Italian product and the possibility of being able to return it within 60 days if I was not satisfied with the result were two key factors for me.

Invictus XLR Fulvio
What do you think about the construction
and aesthetics
of the product?

I noticed extreme attention to detail, starting with the box: very carefully crafted, attractively colored, and with foam inside to protect the cables from being knocked around during transport. The cables themselves then turned out to be very eye-catching: generous in cross-section, but not overly stiff, and a beautiful light blue color. Special kudos to the connectors; one immediately senses the great level of finish and precision in the construction that ensure an excellent connection with the electronics.

How did you carry out the tests? What tracks did you use to test the cable?

I didn't use any particular method; I simply listened to the records/branches I know best in order to appreciate the differences between the two configurations: Invictus balanced versus the previous unbalanced cables from a well-known American manufacturer. The only expedient I used was to let the system play with the Invictus for about twenty hours before doing any "serious" listening.

Invictus XLR_View04_F
Invictus XLR Fulvio
What were your
listening impressions?

I expected small improvements, due to the fact that the cables I had before were models at the base of the manufacturer's range. Instead, after the break-in period had passed (although breaking in the electronics, and even more so the cables, has always left me a bit perplexed as to the real benefits), I was simply amazed. The differences were there, and very obvious ones at that. With the Invictus the level of detail is impressive: voices are clear, crystal clear to the point where it sounds like Agnes Obel is sitting in front of me singing. I can give another example by quoting Bruce Springsteen in the song The Ghost of Tom Joad. With the earlier cables it sounded like Bruce truncated the last syllable of almost every word; the Invictus s, on the other hand, manage to get all the information through, increasing the listening pleasure by leaps and bounds. I found another improvement in the low frequencies: more impressive than before, but totally free of slabbiness. Sound reconstruction is also remarkable; you can fully perceive the position of instruments and voices, without any confusion.

Your conclusions.

In conclusion, I can say that the Invictus s have really made a difference in my system, taking it to another level. Maybe it won't be the case for everyone, but they are definitely worth a try (if you don't like them afterwards, you can always return them). I also believe that the price is not at all excessive, given also the remarkable care in manufacturing and the use of fine materials. Besides, dulcis in fundo, they are Italian!

What did you enjoy?

- Performance
- Aesthetics
- Value for money

What would you improve?

- Nothing to report

One thought on "Review #38 - Balanced Cable Invictus XLR - Ricable Review"

  1. Raphael Crolli he said:

    Another testimony to the high depth of this brand.
    I am a happy owner of a cable Invictus INTERCONNECT ( unbalanced) and I note with satisfaction that the impressions I had, are shared by many audiophiles.
    Good listening to all.

    1. Ricable he said:

      Hi Raphael, thank you for the compliments! Glad you are satisfied with our cables!

  2. antonio_guglielmi he said:

    I have only since yesterday a pair of invictus Speaker and confirm what I read....
    I am also in the process of getting cables for the connections between pre and power amp and with the source, and I am considering the invictus xlr series

    1. Ricable he said:

      Hi Antonio, thank you very much for your confirmation. It is always a pleasure!

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