"One day I was asked if the Ricable cables were reliable. At the time I was building little more than prototypes in a basement, and in a rush of pride I replied: "Of course! They are so reliable that I guarantee them for life!". Thus was born the idea of making cables so reliable that they could be guaranteed forever."
Water under the bridge has passed since then, and today I can proudly say that Ricable is no longer just a start-up, but a solid company with sound philosophies and concrete plans.
A company is a synthesis of the people who work in it and its history, so we want you to know more about who we are, where we have come from and where we want to go, so that you too can, in some way, be part of our Family.
Sergio ModenesiÂ
The brand is born. Ricable.
From an idea of Sergio Modenesi, a collaborator at Troniteck (which at that time mainly marketed computers) and a high-fidelity enthusiast, the idea of starting a marketing of specific cables for Hi-Fi with its own brand is born. The trademark is coined from the conjunction of the name of the creator's son (Riccardo) and the word "cable" in English ("cable"), which together give rise to the name of the new brand Ri-cable. A logo is created to accompany the first products sold, which are delivered to the customer in transparent envelopes with labels made with amateur graphics.

Design of the first HDMI cables:
Premium and Ultimate.
HDMI cables, at the time, were a novelty and were increasingly crowding out the old scart protocol. At the time, Troniteck was conducting its business in the garage of the owner's home and, as a warehouse, it had a basement rented for very little money. Among the products it marketed were precisely very expensive HDMI cables with higher performance than the standard ones, and the starting point of the adventure Ricable was precisely this: to design HDMI cables that performed well but were more affordable than the others. Thus were born the first two series Ricable HDMI: Ultimate and Premium.
Coming to the Hi-End and Across HDMI market.
After the first confirmations with the Entry Level series of HDMI cables, the design continued and we came up with a high-performance HDMI cable (HDMI Hi-End) and the ingenious Across series that solved a stubborn installation problem, especially over long distances, of running HDMI cables in conduit. Ricable was the first company in Italy to develop such cables.
The "white box": a distinguishing feature.
The characteristic white packaging that still accompanies Ricable cablesin people's homes today is devised. The idea was to develop an original, environmentally friendly, Italian-made package that deviated from the blister packaging type that was all the rage at that time.
It is the turn of analog stereo and digital coaxial cables.
Once the HDMI catalog was organized in the best possible way, the real research began on what has always been the founder's ball, which is to create Audio cables for Hi-Fi. The first analog cables INTERCONNECT and coaxial cables are included, again with external production, branded Ricable. In addition, the Troniteck premises are expanded, renting another portion of the basement to make room for the management of the Ricable brand, which was gaining momentum. Cables INTERCONNECT and Digital Coaxial Hi-End and Ultimate cables were born at this time.
The first product made in Italy.
At that time there was an increasing demand for good quality Speaker bipolar cables, so the first Made in Italy product was added to the catalog, the ancestor of the Ricable Custom 2.5, which was sold only by the linear meter or in reels. In 2011, sales of the Ricable brand increased almost fivefold compared to 2010.
Sales consolidate.
These are two years of transition for the brand Ricable, both in terms of production and sales. People begin to think about how to organize in-house production, how to develop the catalog, and how to design and test new products. Meanwhile, sales consolidate and the brand takes space in Troniteck's economies. It is no longer just an idea.
Upgrade to HDMI 2.0.
2014 is the year of the upgrade of all HDMI series to the 2.0 protocol and the inclusion of the top of the line, Supreme HDMI. There are now five HDMI series, although the inexpensive Premium is dropped because it deviates too much from the Ricable philosophy of making only the highest quality cables.
Supreme Speaker is the first cable made in Ricable.
In June 2014, the momentous breakthrough occurs. After months of testing and trials, what is basically the first real handcrafted product Ricable is given birth : Supreme Speaker. Twenty hours of work were needed to produce the first piece; efforts focused on identifying the best possible production logic in order to optimize production and reduce processing time.
More cables made in Italy are added to the line-up.
The inclusion of other Made in Italy cables produced by Ricable takes place : Supreme Signal, a INTERCONNECT stereo cable, Ultimate and Hi-End Speaker, two Speaker cables of a lower level than the Supreme. An area reserved for cable assembly is set up in the Troniteck headquarters, the first small laboratory Ricable.
Open to installers and self-builders.
Ricable is also beginning to be appreciated and in demand by installers and auto builders, so a program is kicked off that is the genesis of what later will be Ricable Custom, with the inclusion of many products aimed at installers and auto builders, In 2014, sales resumed growth, nearly doubling from the previous year.
Supreme XLR and reels of cable by the meter.
May sees the introduction of the first Supreme XLR balanced cable, which is followed in July by that of the first reels of cable by the meter, which are measured and packaged entirely by hand using rather rudimentary methods. Above all, however, 2015 is a breakthrough year. It is sensed that the Ricable brand may be the future of the business, and the first concrete project is planned, which involves acquiring suitable premises, transforming the company into a corporation with the name Ricable , and centralizing most of the production in Italy. Sales of Ricable products soar and the brand begins to be known as synonymous with quality and reliability.
At the Monaco Hi-End, the series is lit Power.
May is the month of the first participation in Monaco Hi-End as exhibitors and in this context is set the presentation of the entire range Ricable Power , the first entirely designed and built by Ricable. The business, though still under the name Troniteck, moves to new headquarters, but work is being done under the radar to better organize production and the creation of the new company Ricable Srl. In 2016 there is a further increase in sales under the brand name Ricable.
The three crowns: Magnus, Dedalus and Invictus.
The design of the new series Magnus, Dedalus and Invictus, entirely designed and built at Ricable with new quality standards, is kicked off. These will be the backbone and hallmark of Ricable in the years to come. New HDMI cables with active processor are also included. In 2017, sales of the Ricable brand are further consolidated.
Ricable Ltd.is born...
March 2018 marks a milestone in the growth Ricable. The brand, which began as a simple intuition eight years earlier, has grown over the years by absorbing Troniteck's reliability- and reliability-based philosophy, channeling it into the development of a very specific idea: to create its own Made in Italy product that could become a reference in the market. Ricable Srl is officially established, which also absorbs the Troniteck and Altason brands.
... and closely followed by Ricable Custom.
One of the first activities of Ricable Srl was to create a distinctive feature for Custom Installation products, with the creation of a brand, catalog and website dedicated to these items. Thus was born the brand Ricable Custom, with products exclusively for installers and self-builders, derived from the production Ricable, which are characterized by high performance.
Plans for the future.
A programmatic report for the three-year period 2019/2021 is drawn up, which calls for the expansion of the brand abroad and the consolidation of the Italian market. Commercialization of all products in the Magnus, Dedalus and Invictus series officially begins in the same period.
Primus, the newcomer, debuts.
Debuts the new Primus series, the ideal solution for Entry Level Hi-Fi systems. Primus puts an end to the external production of Audio Hi-Fi cables, all of which are now exclusively designed and manufactured in Italy, in the laboratory Ricable.
Important changes in the catalog, despite Covid-19.
In the year when everything changed, the Ricable catalog was revamped with some key additions. The Magnus USB cable finally came out, followed closely by variants and extensions of jack cables. Not only new entries, but also refinements: Invictus Speaker gets Reference and Magnus Speaker upgrades to MKII version.
Covid-19 does not give up, but Ricable
it does not give up.
The health emergency that, it was hoped, could be eradicated in a year continues, despite seeing the first glimmers of light thanks to the vaccine. Work so that the Ricable catalog is increasingly complete, however, continues, thanks to the inclusion of Dedalus and Invictus USB and AES/EBU cables. The new entries are indeed many: in addition to the aforementioned cables, there are also Dedalus Speaker Elite, Visus HDMI 2.1 and the Magnus Jack/RCA, Jack 6.3 and related extension cables, along with the Jack 3.5 extension. Not only new, however, but also refinements of what already exists; Invictus Speaker comes to the Reference version, while the Speaker Dedalus (with related jumpers), Magnus and Primus cables become MKII. So does Magnus Power .
Ricable It also withstands war,
and relaunches.
When the darkness of Covid-19 seemed to be behind us, Europe became blood-stained again. On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, thus bringing war back to the Old Continent. This not only had dramatic social and political effects, but also exacerbated pre-existing critical issues, such as the energy crisis and the price of raw materials and their availability. The response Ricable has not been to defend itself, but to go on the "counterattack. " How? By expanding the staff and introducing small and large innovations into its catalog. Power cords are also available with American plug and IEC C20 connector. Also, still on the subject of power cords, the new Invictus Power Reference and Dedalus Power Elite have been marketed. Last but not least, we have upgraded two cables to MKII version. We refer to Magnus Coaxial MKII and Supreme HDMI 2.0b MKII, with the latter having seen an optimization for the I²S connection.
War is alsorampant in the Middle East,
but Ricable does not play defense.
As firearms continue to rage in Ukraine, another confrontation is igniting in the heart of the Old Continent: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These are indeed difficult times; however, sometimes, in a business entrepreneurship perspective, offense is the best defense. This philosophy comes through the release of two new products, both power cords: Invictus Power Reference and Dedalus Power Elite. The former constitutes the new top of the line Ricable as far as power cords are concerned, while the latter acts as the missing link between the higher value bracket and the barely lower one: Dedalus. Both are marked by the retention of all the technologies applied so far, expanded and improved.
2024: what will be waiting for us?
The year 2024 has just begun and we hope, indeed work, so that Ricable can be a stable and well-known reality in many new countries, in addition to those where it is already present. Two novelties have already been added to the catalog; we are talking about the new Reference INTERCONNECT cables, both RCA and XLR, as per tradition capable of taking the already exceptional standard Invictus cable to a higher level, without distorting, but bringing many small tricks that, working in synergy, lead to a simply extraordinary result.