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Ricable Invictus Speaker Reference MKII Speaker Cable - Prestige Topology of the RS4 MKII
Audiophile-Heaven 's George analyzes Invictus Speaker Reference MKII, Ricable 's top of the line revised Speaker cables, which are at their best when it comes to Hi-End systems.

Ricable Dedalus Speaker MKII (DS3 MK2) Hi-Fi Speaker Cable - Refined, Gentle Sound and Double Noise Reduction
George from Audiophile-Heaven analyzes Dedalus Speaker MKII, appreciating the exceptional construction and fantastic sound output, combined with unparalleled value for money.

Ricable Dedalus Speaker Elite Speaker Cable - Smoothly Shielded For HiFi Music Reproduction
George of Audiophile-Heaven analyzes Dedalus Speaker Elite, the Speaker cable one step below the top of the line Invictus. Enhanced by photographs of rare beauty, the review rewards natural sound and excellent listening dynamics.
Ricable cables review
John Bugailiskis of best of high end, a Canadian site specializing in Hi-Fi, did a fantastic review of our cables, focusing on the Invictus series . While praising them, John maintained a very reasonable attitude on such a controversial topic as wiring in high fidelity.
Megatest speaker cables - 32 cables listened to and measured!
Another bravura piece, following the one in early April, from Alpha-Audio magazine. Jaap Veenstra and colleagues listened to and measured as many as 32 speaker cables. Ricable stood out with each series in its price range.
Interlinks don't do anything! Or do they? 32 rca cables analyzed
A simply mammoth job by the online magazine Alpha-Audio. The online magazine analyzed no less than 32 RCA cables, and in the opinion of journalist Jaap Veenstra and his colleagues, the Ricable cables did not look bad at all.
Ricable Invictus Signal and XLR Cables updated to the Reference version
Here comes another content from the United States. The Sound Advocate, with the pen of Caslyn Anderson, has published an article devoted to the improvements applied to the revised and improved Invictus Signal Reference and Invictus XLR Reference cables.
Invictus Signal Reference and Invictus XLR Reference the new 2024 novelties of Ricable
Ricable announced the first new products for 2024: Invictus Signal Reference and Invictus XLR Reference. Let's find out more, thanks to AF Digitale 's excellent article by Francesco Taddei.

Ricable Invictus Speaker Reference Cable - Purified Copper Music Flow
George of Audiophile-Heaven analyzes the top of the line Ricable, cable area Speaker : Invictus Speaker Reference. Embellished with simply outstanding photo reportage, the review could only be positive!
Ricable Invictus Speaker Cable and Balanced analogue cables Review
Pursuit Perfect System, with the usual Steve Crowe, after reviewing Supreme HDMI, analyzed the Invictus Speaker and XLR cables. A positive evaluation once again, with another Essential Audition Award earned.
Ricable Supreme F1MKII HDMI Cable Review
Pursuit Perfect System, by Steve Crowe, has reviewed the top-of-the-line HDMI cable as far as protocol 2.0 is concerned. An extremely positive evaluation for the product Ricable, which was also awarded the Essential Audition Award.
Ricable: vacation season over, we're off again with a bit of news
Ricable streamlines its Speaker cable offerings with some brand new features and many improvements, and announces the new Visus 2.1 HDMI cable. Let's find out more, thanks to AF Digitale 's excellent article by Franco Tassinari.
Cables Ricable: Italian quality at the service of the audiophile
The website Amplificalo has put together an overview of all cables Ricable, from terminated cables to cables by the linear meter. A fantastic article for those who own a great Hi-Fi system (or are making one).
Ricable Invictus Bridge Reference i Ricable Dedalus Bridge
badabum.pl, a Polish blog, has commented on two products from the Ricable catalog that too often go under the radar. We refer to the jumpers, series Invictus and Dedalus, which manage to give a glimpse of what cables are Speaker .
Kable RCA: Ricable Primus, Ricable Magnus i Ricable Dedalus
Polish amateur blog badabum.pl has reviewed three of the four Ricable series available on the market, appreciating their differences according to different price and user ranges. Here is the test of the INTERCONNECT RCA Primus, Magnus and Dedalus cables .
AV Magazine at Rome Hi-Fidelity 2019
At Rome Hi-Fidelity 2019, there was also a suite "occupied" by AV Magazine at the Mercure West hotel with BenQ 4K projectors and a 2.1 system with PMC speakers, JL Audio subs and Arcam electronics. And the cables? Ricable, of course!
Press Releases
January 2024. Press Release - What's New 2024 Ricable
December 2022. Press Release - What's New Ricable for Christmas 2022
November 2020. Press Release - Heat Shrink Tubing Ricable Custom
December 2019. Press Release - Try a Ricable, what a success!
November 2019. Press Release - Launching Initiative "Try a Ricable"
September 2019. Press release - Primus entry level series launch of Ricable
Audiophile Heaven, January 16, 2025. Cable Ricable Dedalus Speaker Elite for speakers - Refined stereophonic sound
Passion for Sound, December 21, 2024. Tune your HiFi to perfection with these! Ricable Invictus, Dedalus & Magnus USB
The Outhouse, November 9, 2024. Make a Speaker Audiophile Cable with Materials Ricable - The Complete Guide!
The Outhouse, July 20, 2024. DIY Hi-End Power Cable: Powered by Ricable!
Gabriel Tech Reviews, November 14, 2023. RiCable Magnus Power Cord Review
Audiophile Heaven, September 28, 2023. Ricable Invictus Speaker Reference Cables - Drastically Improving Sonics.
Tharbamar, January 27, 2023. Ri cable Dedalus High End Audio Cables Experience
ANA[DIA]LOG, March 4, 2022. Audiophile HDMI-I2S OCC copper cables at incredible price!