Customer Reviews

Review #101 - Dedalus Speaker Elite cables and jumpers - Ricable Review

Review Ricard Dedalus Speaker Elite and Bridges
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My Ricable

Ricard R.

Sources: Yamaha streamer

Amplifier: Yamaha R-N2000A

Acoustic Speakers: Elipson Prestige Facet 34F

Other: Nothing

The following review of Dedalus Speaker Elite cables and jumpers is the result of the "Ricable Review" initiative. Ricable Review is the program designed by Ricable, created to collect feedback from audiophiles, in order to lead to continuous improvement of the products in the catalog. Last but not least, those who join the program receive a certificate at home, with the purpose of certifying how the customer has become to all intents and purposes part of the " Ricable" family.
The following Feedback was created on the basis of a predefined questionnaire to which the user returned his impressions, in a completely free. We thank Ricard for his time.

¿Qué te hizo
elegir Ricable?

La mayoría de cables de audio están hechos en serie en China con sus montadores poco cualificados así que vi muchos fabricantes de cables i al final encontré ricable i dije por que no probar algo hecho a mano en italia por eso yo elegí escoger a ricable para probar mi nuevo sistema de audio.

Review Ricard Dedalus Speaker Elite and Bridges
Review Ricard Dedalus Speaker Elite and Bridges
¿Qué opinas de la construcción yestética del cable?

La construcción es muy sólida i de primera clase en comparación con las otras marcas más caras i a priori mucho mejores que esta estéticamente resultan increíbles con sus mangueras de cable gruesas i con mucho color en varios tonos combinados muy agradables a la vista son unos cavi muy bien construidos i dotados de mucho potencial en todos sus sentidos son una delicia al tacto nunca jamás vi unos cavi tan bien construidos.

¿Cómo hiciste las pruebas? ¿Qué pistas usaste para probar el cable?

Mi método de prueba fue reemplazar mis antiguos QED de 90 euros por vuestros Dedalus Elite altavoz i también canviar mi antiguo modelo marantz PM7000N por un nuevo modelo Yamaha R-N2000A a priori muy superior i también canvie mis altavoces de suelo Sonus Faber Lumina III por unos impresionantes Elipson Prestige Facet 34F.

Review Ricard Dedalus Speaker Elite and Bridges
Review Ricard Dedalus Speaker Elite and Bridges
¿Cuáles fueron tus impresiones auditivas?

La escucha se volvió más intensa desde el primer momento todo era tan diferente para mi al principio i después de haber hecho los cambios el sonido era más nítido i real suave i con bajos más controlados i profundamente agradables era u canvio muy significativo con respecto a mi anterior sistema de audio
Controla muy bien todos los niveles de audio en las altas frecuencias es muy suave en las medias es melodiosa i en las bajas muy reaccionario dando unos bajos muy profundamente potentes en todos los sentidos en general son muy buenos para todos aquellos que quieran disfrutar de una buena experiencia en contacto con su audio favorito.

Tus conclusiones.

El cable es muy recomendable para todos los sistemas de audio que usen cable muy barato i de baja calidad made in China por otra parte me ha satisfecho mucho el sonido conseguido en mi sistema de audio así pues lo recomiendo desde el principio muy encarecidamente es muy bueno i me ha satisfecho muchísimo.

¿Qué te gustó?

- Rendimiento

¿Qué no te gustó?

- Nada

What made you choose Ricable?

Most audio cables are mass produced in China with unskilled assemblers, so I looked at many cable manufacturers and eventually found Ricable, and I said why not try something handmade in Italy. That's why I chose Ricable to try my new audio system.

Review Ricard Dedalus Speaker Elite and Bridges
Review Ricard Dedalus Speaker Elite and Bridges
What do you think about the construction
and aesthetics
of the product?

The construction is very solid and first class compared to other more expensive brands and a priori much better than these aesthetically, these cables are incredible with their thick tubes and with so much color in various shades combined, very pleasing to look at, they are very good cables built and endowed with so much potential in every sense, they are a delight to the touch, I have never seen cables so well built.

How did you carry out the tests? What tracks did you use to test the cable?

My testing method was to replace my old 90 euro QEDs with your Dedalus Elite speaker cables and also swap my old Marantz PM7000N model for a new Yamaha R-N2000A model, a priori much superior, and also swap my Sonus Faber Lumina III floorstanding speakers for impressive Elipson Prestige Facet 34F speakers.

Review Ricard Dedalus Speaker Elite and Bridges
Review Ricard Dedalus Speaker Elite and Bridges
What were your
listening impressions?

Listening became more intense from the very first moment, everything was so different for me at first and after making the changes, the sound was clearer and really smooth and with more controlled and deeply pleasant bass, it was a very significant change from my previous system.
The cable controls all audio levels very well in the high frequencies, it is very smooth in the mids, it is melodious and in the bass it is very responsive, giving very deep and powerful bass in all senses. Overall they are very good for anyone who wants to enjoy a good experience in touch with their favorite audio.

Your conclusions.

The cable is highly recommended for all audio systems using a very cheap and low quality cable made in China. On the other hand, I was very pleased with the sound I got in my sound system, so I highly recommend it from the beginning, it is very good and I was very satisfied with it.

What did you enjoy?

- Performance

What would you improve?

- Nothing to report

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