Customer Reviews

Review #102 - Primus Speaker MKII and Magnus Speaker MKII Cables - Ricable Review

Conrad cables review Speaker
Icon Ricable Review
My Ricable

Conrad G.

Sources: Cambridge CXC mechanical; Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Pro turntable with Grado Gold

Amplifier: Arcam FMJ A19

Acoustic Speakers: Totem Acoustic Sky Tower

Other: Arcam irDac DAC

The following review of the Primus Speaker MKII and Magnus Speaker MKII cables is the result of the "Ricable Review" initiative. Ricable Review is the program designed by Ricable, created to collect feedback from audiophiles, in order to lead to continuous improvement of the products in the catalog. Last but not least, those who join the program receive a certificate at home, with the purpose of certifying how the customer has become to all intents and purposes part of the " Ricable" family.
The following Feedback was created on the basis of a predefined questionnaire to which the user returned his impressions, in a completely free. We thank Conrad for his time.

What made you
choose Ricable?

The first cable Ricable purchased was a coaxial for the connection between the readout transport and the DAC: excellent in every way. Now I have purchased, driven more by curiosity to satisfy of a direct field comparison than as a real need, the PS3 MKII to replace the VDH CS122 H, which I have always considered an excellent cable.

Primus Speaker MKII
magnus speaker
What do you think about the constructionand the aesthetics of the product?

When the package arrived and the generic outer wrapping was removed, I was immediately surprised by the weight and quality of the packaging, which was well cared for in every detail, beyond all expectations, considering previous experience with the materials in question; the cables are really well made, heavy, sturdy, in my opinion aesthetically appealing and unquestionable, with solid connections, wonderfully finished and well-fitting to the terminals.

How did you do the tests? What tracks did you use to test the cable?

I compared the two cables at length, for a good six months, replacing them several times during the aforementioned period and in various listening sessions. The "challenge" was conducted using exlusively digital reproduction, now considering my system balanced and good in every section, and considering the analog section only slightly better, at least in the presumed dominant beliefs. And indeed subsequent listening confirmed without any doubt the impressions already received.

Conrad cables review Speaker
Conrad cables review Speaker
What were yours listening impressions?

After some initial slight perplexity, accustomed for years to the VDHs, about the comparison of low-frequency response, I finally stopped changing to let the PS3s express themselves. The impression gained from listening to the comparisons is that the Ricable s offer a really wider soundstage, raising the soundstage and making it more airy and engaging; it's like having removed a thin veil, which made the sound output slightly aseptic, overly analytical and less realistic. That feeling of slightly lower bass output has vanished to be replaced by the understanding of having with the PS3s greater realism of the instruments, a superior ability to engage with the musical message, and the possibility, something I doubted at these levels and who even surprised me, of picking up some details I had not heard so distinctly before!

Your conclusions.

All in all I am really satisfied, so much so that with the promo (for website purchases) offered to me by Ricable I have already upgraded to Magnus, which is further confirming the goodness of the choice. In the future I think I will also replace the stock gold jumpers with the Ricable jumpers . I therefore believe that I have taken a further step forward in refining the listening of my musical repertoire and ultimately in the pleasure of listening well and enjoying Music, which is definitively the most important thing, in my personalized corner: a passion that I will never give up and that I have cultivated since my youth.
Lastly, I would like to strongly emphasize the company's service organization and great customer care, with commendable service that is difficult to surpass. Well done!

What did you enjoy?

- Build quality and sound performance
- Service
- Attention to detail

What would you improve?

- Nothing to report

What made you choose Ricable?

The first cable Ricable purchased was a coaxial to connect between the read transport and the DAC: excellent throughout. Now I have purchased, driven more by curiosity to satisfy a direct comparison in the field than by any real need, the PS3 MKII as a replacement for the VDH CS122 H, which I have always considered an excellent cable.

Primus Speaker MKII
magnus speaker
What do you think about the construction
and aesthetics
of the product?

When the package arrived and the generic outer wrapping was removed, I was immediately surprised by the weight and quality of the packaging, which was well cared for in every detail, beyond all expectations, considering previous experiences with the materials in question; the cables are really well made, heavy, sturdy, in my opinion aesthetically appealing and unquestionable, with solid connections, wonderfully finished and well-fitting to the terminals.

How did you carry out the tests? What tracks did you use to test the cable?

I compared the two cables at length, for a good six months, replacing them several times during the said period and in various listening sessions. The "challenge" was conducted using digital playback exclusively, now believing my system to be balanced and good in every section, and believing the analog section to be only slightly better, at least in the presumed dominant beliefs. And indeed, subsequent listening confirmed without any doubt the impressions already received.

Conrad cables review Speaker
Conrad cables review Speaker
What were your
listening impressions?

After some initial slight perplexity, accustomed for years to the VDHs, about the comparison of low-frequency response, I finally stopped changing to let the PS3s express themselves. The impression one gets from listening to the comparisons is that the Ricable s offer a really wider soundstage, elevating the soundstage and making it more airy and engaging; it is as if a thin veil has been lifted, which made the sound output slightly aseptic, overly analytical, and less realistic. That feeling of slightly inferior bass rendering disappeared to give way to the realization that with the PS3s I had a greater realism of instruments, a superior ability to engage with the musical message, and the ability, something I doubted at these levels and which even surprised me, to pick up some details I had never heard so distinctly before!

Your conclusions.

All in all I am really satisfied, so much so that with the promo (for purchases via the site) offered to me by Ricable I have already switched to Magnus, which further confirms the goodness of the choice. In the future I think I will also replace the stock gold jumpers with the Ricable jumpers . Therefore, I believe I have taken a further step forward in refining the listening of my musical repertoire and, ultimately, in the pleasure of listening well and enjoying Music, which is definitely the most important thing, in my personalized corner: a passion that I do not give up and have cultivated since my youth.
Finally, I would like to strongly emphasize the organization of the company's services and the great attention to the customer, with commendable service that is difficult to surpass. Well done!

What did you enjoy?

- Construction quality and sound performance
- Service
- Attention to detail

What would you improve?

- Nothing to report

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