Review #103 - Cables Dedalus Speaker Elite and XLR - Ricable Review

Extremely high performance cables suitable for high-end systems without having to spend exorbitant amounts of money, made in Italy and aesthetically appealing. In addition, the cables can be customized, for example my power amp only accepts spade terminations, Ricable has done the customization in an exemplary manner. The ability to purchase online directly from the company is an added value.
and aesthetics of the product?
Impeccable construction, aesthetically pleasing, flexible enough for trouble-free connections. Absolute quality terminals with the possibility of customization. In addition, the materials used for construction are, in relation to the price range in which the artifacts are placed, the best the market can offer. Add to this an impeccable assembly, and you get the top, in my opinion, unbeatable.
Prolonged listening to test tracks (which I know by heart) with the old cables, however respectable cables of reputable brands and in the same price range, then listening to the same tracks with the move cables, both by myself and by friends. I conducted the tests, with friendly listeners, without telling them what cables I was using. The result was always the same, Ricable over all.
listening impressions?
Compared with my previous cables, again of mid-high range and prestigious names, they proved, with my set-up, to be more transparent, detailed and precise with more defined micro details, airiness and precision in the positioning of the various instruments (even in the case of symphonic orchestras; for example in Beethoven's Ninth I was amazed at the setback and precision of the cymbals and bass drum in the Telarc CD recording). With rock music they manage to convey as much energy as possible. All in all, cables that give all genres of music the energy, detail, and impact you expect. Cables suitable for all genres.
Your conclusions.
Top-quality, high-performance cables that are no match for cables costing even twice as much. The Dedalus (signal) and Dedalus Elite (power) series are a must-have choice for high quality systems. If you want to achieve maximum synergy between all the components in your system, these cables are the must-have choice regardless of price.