Customer Reviews

Review #20 - Primus Signal, Speaker and Power Cables - Ricable Review

Icon Ricable Review
My Ricable

Matthew Raphael M.

Sources: Rega Planar 1 Plus turntable

Amplifier: Advance Acoustic X-i90

Acoustic speakers: Magnat Transpuls 1500

Other: Advance Acoustic WTX-700 DAC

The following review of Primus Signal, Speaker and Power cables is the result of the "Ricable Review" initiative. Ricable Review is the program created by Ricable, born to collect feedback from audiophilesin order to bring about continuous improvement of the products in the catalogue. Last but not least, those who participate in the programme receive a certificate at home certifying that they have become part of the " Ricablefamily".
The following Feedback was created on the basis of a predefined questionnaire to which the user returned their impressions, in a way that was not possible without the help of a surveyor. completely free. We would like to thank Matteo Raffaello for his time.

What made you choose Ricable?

The reasons were related to the fact that I was looking for a suitable INTERCONNECT cable for my new turntable. Not that it lacked one, but I wasn't happy with it. So I started looking on the various cable sites... I came across Ricable and went to the site. Very well done: tidy, precise, clear, I asked via chat for advice (being a neophyte in the high fidelity sector), and I found high professionalism, competence and honesty. Consequently I bought the cable.

Review Primus Matteo Raffaello
Review Primus Matteo Raffaello
What do you think about the construction
and aesthetics of the product?

From the packaging to the finishing touches, there is no criticism to be made. The cables arrive rolled up just enough to avoid deterioration and are joined together with Velcro strips. The construction is impeccable: there are no defects. Everything is perfect, it seems to receive a necklace of pearls, so much so that I kept all the boxes!

How did you carry out the tests? Which songs did you use to test the cable?

I have had the opportunity to "test" the cables comparing them with those supplied with the system. There is no comparison: the differences are there and you can hear them even if I don't have yet such a fine hearing to detect all the nuances. As I have already written, I am taking my first steps in high fidelity. The performance compared to the standards is unequivocally superior.

Review Primus Matteo Raffaello
Review Primus Matteo Raffaello
What were your
listening impressions?

I did several tests: initially connecting the system with the supplied cables (for those INTERCONNECT, a pair I borrowed). I played the first tracks through liquid music, selecting the same ones that I also have in vinyl format. So Bruce Springsteen, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Mozart, Tracy Chapman, Miles Davis. Now I connect the system with the cables Ricable and it's a different story: no background noise, no hiss, no interference, a much cleaner and warmer sound. I repeated the experiment with the vinyl and it was really exciting!

Your conclusions.

In conclusion, I have been very pleased with the products Ricable. Both for the quality of the products as well as the cost of their products. The guys are very professional and serious, the shipments are very fast (24-36 hours), and if I had to upgrade I will surely come back to them. Also one thing not to forget is that on their products there is a lifetime warranty, and the possibility to return the cable if one wanted to upgrade (the value of the used cable is deducted from the new one).

What did you like?

- Acoustics
- Detailing
- Value for money
- Professionalism
- Fast delivery

What would you improve?

- Nothing to report

One thought on "Review #20 - Primus Signal, Speaker and Power cables - Ricable Review"

  1. Antonio Roberto Danzi he said:

    Hello. It is always very pleasant to read these reviews, which are the result of true passion and humility in admitting that you are still a neophyte and want to rely on competent and professional people like you at Ricable. What Matteo has written cannot be objected to. Others would say that there are other products that sound better and others would snub his purchase. Why do all this? All I am saying is that as a first step it is absolutely right. A suggestion I can give to Matteo is that with the time he can pass to the top cable always ricable and he will fully appreciate the differences. For the moment I can only tell him. Good music and good listening. Congratulations. Good evening.

    1. Ricable he said:

      Good evening to you, Antonio, and thank you very much for your comment!

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