
Directionality in Hi-Fi cables Ricable

arrows in the forest

The Ricable catalogue has become very rich over the last period.not only, as usual, in terms of quality, but also in terms of quantity. So much so that the range of Hi-Fi and Hi-End cables Ricable now covers almost every kind of audiophile need. There are still a few pieces missing to complete the mosaic, but already from the current catalogue we have the possibility of categorising our cables both by certain horizontal and vertical characteristics. Not only the most obvious ones, that is typology (signal, power supply, power and so on) and series (Invictus, Dedalus, Magnus and Primus). But also more specific ones. The one we want to talk about today is the directionality of Hi-Fi cables.

How is the directionality of a Hi-Fi cable indicated?

The topic of Hi-Fi cable directionality Ricable is also one of the most popular topics in our chat. All the more reason for this article to take shape. Let's start with the first question that arises spontaneously: how is a directional cable recognisable? That's easy to answer. First of all, let's reiterate that not all Ricable cables are directional. Those that are, however, have an arrow clearly marked on the connection points. Having identified this arrow, we can now show you how to use the cables Ricable correctly. The arrow simply follows the direction of the signal from the source to the speakers. Let's take the two most classic examples: if we take a CD player connected to an amplifier, the arrows will start from the player and end up in the amplifier. If, on the other hand, we take an amplifier and loudspeakers as an example, the arrows will start from the amplifier and end up in the loudspeakers, as the signal follows this path.

It is good to know that these rules are shared by most manufacturers of Hi-Fi and Hi-End cables. But we are not talking about a real standard, standardised at international level. So you should not be surprised if you find yourself reading instructions that are different or even completely opposite to those we have just described. But what specifically is meant by "cable direction"? Cables are cables which, for reasons of constructional geometry or configuration characteristics, are not bi-directional. This means that they must be used in a specific direction, as illustrated by the two examples above.

directionality hi-fi cables

What are the directional cables Ricable?

Thedirectional cables Ricable are, to begin with, those in a semi-balanced configuration. By this definition we include not only the Signal line, but also the Turntable line, which is still composed of cables INTERCONNECT optimised for connection to the turntable. We include Turntables, but exclude the entire Primus series, which has an unbalanced configuration (i.e. without the negative pole of the semi-balanced configuration). Other directional cables Ricable are Speaker , and this time we include the Primus series. This is because the directionality is not given by the configuration, but the direction of the conductors. As twisted cables, it is good that the pair of cables is directed in the same direction, consistently. The last case is that of the HDMI Supreme AI MKII cable, which presents a rather particular case of directionality. This is in fact given by the presence of a processor in the cable, and not by some construction geometry or configuration characteristic. In order to function correctly, the cable's processor should preferably be located near the signal source.

Magnus Signal

Why is it important to respect cable directionality?

Why, then, is it important to respect the directionality of cables Ricable? The reason, as we have seen, varies according to the cable in question. Generally speaking, however, we can say that installing Hi-Fi cables with the correct directionality is important for the optimisation and coherence of your Hi-Fi system. The cables Ricable, in any case, work even if the directionality is not respected, with the exception of the Supreme AI MKII.

This does not cause any damage to the equipment, but high fidelity enthusiasts, more than others, know how important attention to detail is. What is high fidelity if not the continuous and inexhaustible search for additional details in one's listening experience? Bi-directional cables or not, we can't help but conclude the article with our usual invitation to have a look at the complete catalogue Ricable. Have a good consultation!

One thought on "Directionality in Hi-Fi cables Ricable"

  1. Roberto he said:

    Good morning,
    for the reason of the directionality of the cables, I would add an obvious sheet, inside the box, with a warning to "CHECK THE CONNECTION WAY" . This is because, having bought a pair of your cables Speaker and not knowing this, after having passed them through a wall and behind some furniture, I realised that I had inserted them exactly the opposite way round. I haven't reversed them because it was too difficult to do it again.
    Thank you

    1. Ricable he said:

      Good morning Roberto, thank you for your valuable suggestion. We will forward it immediately to the administration. Best regards and see you soon.

  2. Danilo he said:

    Hi i bought some cables magnus Speaker with banana ends, may i ask how do they fit? Basically they don't fit into the photos of my Klipsch rp6000f speakers and my amplifier a musical fidelity M6si.
    Where am I going wrong? I had Supra cables with classic banana and did not have this problem

    1. Ricable he said:

      Hi Danilo, we have already replied to you both by e-mail and WhatsApp. Please let us know if we can provide you with further support. We wish you a good day and good listening.

      1. DANILO he said:

        all solved
        Thank you

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