Customer Reviews

Review #78 - Cable Dedalus Speaker MKII - Ricable Review

review dedalus speaker mkii luca
Icon Ricable Review
My Ricable

Luke B.

Sources: Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T readout mechanism with Ferrum Hypsos and Roon ROCK external power supply.

Amplifier: Copland CTA-408

Acoustic speakers: Sonus Faber Minima Amator

Other: Gold Note DS-10 Plus DAC with external power supply Gold Note PSU-10 EVO

The following review of the Dedalus Speaker MKII cable is the result of the "Ricable Review" initiative. Ricable Review is the program designed by Ricable, created to collect feedback from audiophiles, in order to lead to continuous improvement of the products in the catalog. Last but not least, those who join the program receive a certificate at home, with the purpose of certifying how the customer has become to all intents and purposes part of the " Ricable" family.
The following Feedback was created on the basis of a predefined questionnaire to which the user returned his impressions, in a completely free. We thank Luca for his time.

What made you choose Ricable?

Having already at home a 1 m cable INTERCONNECT RCA Ricable Dedalus between the DAC and the amplifier and the remarkable satisfaction of that cable, I also purchased the cable of the same name Speaker between the amplifier and the speakers (Dedalus Speaker MKII). First looking around the various specialized sites for selling Hi-End material and then, seeing that you could buy it directly from you, I preferred to go this route.

dedalus speaker power cable hi-fi
review dedalus speaker mkii luca
What do you think about the construction
and aesthetics of the product?

At first glance, the construction of the cable is decidedly very refined, precision-engineered, and well-maintained, with high-quality terminations. The aesthetics are definitely eye-catching, and the orange color gives a lot of visibility and warmth. The eye wants its share too, but surely your dedication to the construction of the cable is remarkable. Then the purity of the copper makes all the difference.

How did you carry out the tests? Which songs did you use to test the cable?

Of course, the comparison was made with the previous cable, using CDs and streaming with Roon hooked to the portal Qobuz, genres jazz, blues, electronica, progressive rock, new age, all well-known tunes on my part and immediately grasping the difference between the old cable (25 years) of honored service. Careful listening for several hours a day and for several days.

review dedalus speaker mkii luca
What were your
listening impressions?

The first listening impression I noticed was the audible quality even at a very low volume, the details were immediately noticeable, the bass depth remarkable, a midrange more present and delicate, and the treble firm but harmonious. Then increasing the volume to a consonant value, everything was found to be even more pronounced and precise and of high quality. Quality that I found across the entire frequency range and in all genres of music listened to. Truly a remarkable leap from the old to the Ricable cable .

Your conclusions.

My state of mind in listening to the various jazz, blues, progressive rock, and electronic tracks all appeared more accurate and detailed, with incredible sound and detail, even some detail I had never heard. Definitely credit to the other RCA cable Ricable as well . The combination Dedalus side RCA and Speaker is remarkable. Truly highly recommend both cables for those who want a quantum leap in their system.

What did you like?

- Great performance and precision
- Undisputed beauty of the cable
- An expensive cable, but still at an affordable price that throws you into another dimension of sound
- Build quality
- Greatly improved listening quality

What would you improve?

- Improvements by going up in price and buying higher priced Ricable cables. To reiterate, the Dedalus line is outstanding

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