Customer Reviews

Review #14 - Cable Speaker Dedalus Speaker - Try a Ricable

Plant Alberto Try a Ricable
alberto b. tries a ricable
From the group Amici Audiofili Italiani

Alberto B.

Source: SOtM sMs-200ultra


Amplification system: Integrated

Amplifier: Balanced Audio Technology VK-300se

Acoustic Speakers: ProAc Response D Two

The following review of the cable Speaker Dedalus Speaker is the result of the initiative "Prova un Ricable", born, in collaboration with listening groups or Hi-Fi forums, to collect testimonials from users, in their own reference Hi-Fi system. from the actual listening experience of the users, in their own Hi-Fi system of reference.
The following Feedback has been realized on the basis of a predefined questionnaire to which the user has returned his impressions, in a way completely free.
We thank Alberto for his time.


... after almost a month of cross-listening, I'm talking about the speaker cables Ricable, model Dedalus Speaker.

The comparison was made with my AM Audio branded litz cables, Ramm power supply and Zavfino. Ramm signal. With the following system: Balanced Audio Technology VK-300se amp, AQUA La Voce DAC and SOtM streamer with dedicated power supply. ProAc D Two loudspeakers on Music Tools stand.

These cables are very flexible and easy to handle, they have the bananas on both sides and are perfectly anchored, giving a sense of stability and exceptional grip... in short, they are beautiful to look at and very well made!

I have tried to do a methodical work, I have drawn up a playlist... quite long but with tracks that I know well and I have done a first listening with my cables, looking for merits and demerits, then, in a very superficial way, I have connected the Ricable and I have started to let them break in without giving too much weight to the listening but letting them play without thinking about anything. I must say that after several days the sound changed for the better!

I can say with some certainty that, knowing very well the sound of my set-up and having a trained ear, today I am able to pick up even the smallest differences... it is not presumption but experience matured with hundreds of hours of listening! What initially seemed to reveal a softened high range has instead turned out to be a high range with a linear and open response curve! Let me explain better, there are no steps between the mid-highs and the highs! While with the litz you can hear a step that, at an inattentive listening, deceives!

Actually, the one with the Ricable is a very linear and open high range that rises with a really pleasant perception, transparent but never harsh! On voices the difference is so clear that my partner has noticed it! She usually doesn't say anything but... she tells me: "The sound is more open and airy". The midrange is very fine and also allows a slight improvement on the imaging front, which is a little deeper and with well defined soundstages.

These cables have a characteristic! They allow more energy to pass through, as if the signal had increased, so the bass range is sharper and more powerful! More energetic! So beware: if there is a defect, it will be even sharper in the response with the Ricable ! They don't fix the sound, but in my opinion they make it reach the loudspeakers even sharper, so faults come and go! Obviously the same applies to the good.

Honestly, I didn't think I would find such clear differences... for me it has been an enlightening experience that, once again, has made me notice the differences between one cable and another, which are not exaggerated, but allow to reach at least a refinement of the ideal sound or, better, of our ideal sound. Cables don't work miracles, but they have to make sure that they don't alter the signal, and in my opinion these Ricable do!

So much so that I decided to keep them!

Review Alberto 1
Review Alberto

What did you like?

- Transparency and articulation
- Precise and captivating sound

What would you improve?

- Nothing to report

One thought on "Review #14 - Cable Speaker Dedalus Speaker - Try a Ricable"

  1. Raphael he said:

    I have not had the opportunity to test your audio cables, yes Speaker that INTERCONNECT , but I have had more than one occasion to compare HDMI cables on my electronics, and I can say that your products, as well as being very well made, recreate 'an image and a sound, really remarkable. At the earliest opportunity I will do more comparison tests with your fine conductors.
    If you wish, please publish my comment. Greetings Raffaello Prato

    1. Ricable he said:

      Good morning Raphael, of course we are publishing your comment. Thank you very much for your testimonial, and enjoy your viewing.

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