Customer Reviews

Review #22 - Primus Signal Cable - Ricable Review

Primus Signal Andrea Ricable Review
Icon Ricable Review
My Ricable

Andrea Z.

Sources: Samsung CD player

Amplifier: Yarland (12 W tube)

Acoustic Speakers: Q Acoustics 3050i

Other: Nothing

The following review of the Primus Signal cable is the result of the "Ricable Review" initiative. Ricable Review is the programme devised by Ricable, created to collect feedback from audiophilesin order to bring about continuous improvement of the products in the catalogue. Last but not least, those who participate in the programme receive a certificate at home, with the aim of certifying that the customer has become part of the " Ricablefamily".
The following Feedback was created on the basis of a predefined questionnaire to which the user returned their impressions, in a way that was not possible without the help of a surveyor. completely free. We would like to thank Andrea for his time.

What made you choose Ricable?

Well, what can I say... I was looking for a second RCA cable and came across the description of the cable on the world's largest online sales site... intrigued, I wanted to see where these cables were made. To my surprise, I discovered that they are made twenty minutes from my house! Exchanging views with a colleague of mine, he confirmed that these were very good products.

Primus Signal Andrea Ricable Review
What do you think about the construction
and aesthetics of the product?

As soon as I opened the parcel from the courier, I saw the quality of the box and said to myself: 'Boy, this is a serious product!'. When I opened the box, the initial feeling became reality. The fact that I found a sheet of paper inside certifying the lifetime warranty just adds to the level of the product.

How did you carry out the tests? Which songs did you use to test the cable?

I'm definitely not a starry-eyed audiophile, so my simple test was to connect the current source to my amp, pop in a CD and enjoy. I promise to extend the test session in the next few days. I didn't do a test by plugging in the old cable again, so I couldn't make an immediate comparison.

Primus Signal Andrea Ricable Review
What were your
listening impressions?

Frankly, I have to thank you, because this evening I, my amp, my speakers and (now I can say it) my cable have had a really nice evening, listening to music. I must say that the amp seems to have put the "turbo"; the sound seems more open to me (I don't know how much is psychological conditioning and if it really is so), but the most important thing is my satisfaction, that tonight for a couple of hours has reached the TOP.

Your conclusions.

This evening, talking with a friend of mine, I was expressing my perplexity, saying: "Was I right to spend that money for a cable? I have to say that while surfing your site I saw some products with a certain economic value, difficult to be interpreted by who is approaching this world (I also understand that it is not easy to explain what is behind the realization of certain products). Then I answered myself: absolutely yes! As already written above, the added value of the lifetime warranty is remarkable!

What did you like?

- Finishes
- warranty
- Aesthetics
- Packaging

What would you improve?

- Maybe they could be cheaper... but that would be like wanting to have your cake and eat it, too 🙂 🙂 -.

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